Contact: Jennifer Kronberg
Communication and Marketing Manager
Boise Airport Requests Council Defer Zoning Conversation to Better Address Neighbors' Concerns
The conversation on a proposed rezone is being pushed back, pending council approval, to ensure the best design and outcome for everyone. The application (CAR21-00037) was scheduled for this coming Tuesday’s Boise City Council meeting but won’t be discussed until August 16, again pending council approval. The proposal involves rezoning of property owned by the Boise Airport to allow light industrial uses, as envisioned by the Boise City Comprehensive Plan. The application involves six parcels of land, two of which were recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 14 and four that were not.
“Ada County residents and Boiseans have raised concerns during the initial Planning Commission meetings, and we are working with city planners to figure out if they can be addressed,” said Boise Airport Director Rebecca Hupp. “This deferral will give us time to develop site plans and collaborate with Boise Parks & Recreation Department to safeguard the ridgeline area and identify a green pathway through the property for everyone to use.”
In 2011, City Council and city staff worked with hundreds of Boiseans to create the Boise City Comprehensive Plan (Blueprint Boise), a guideline for Boise’s future growth. The Boise Airport’s property is currently listed for industrial use in this plan, as it has been for more than a decade. Boiseans told the airport that using this land for industrial purposes made sense.
There are no confirmed building plans for this property. If this rezone request is approved, then any proposed future development projects will follow the City of Boise’s robust development review process, which includes design review, Boise Fire Department review and transportation review.