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BOI New Parking Exit Plaza Opens at the Boise Airport


Aug 17, 2022

Contact: Jennifer Kronberg
Communication and Marketing Manager

New Parking Exit Plaza Opens at the Boise Airport


A newly constructed exit plaza to serve the Boise Airport’s terminal parking facilities opened today. This exit plaza is tied to construction of the new public parking garage and will replace the former exit plaza, which will now be demolished to continue garage construction.

Visitors who may be familiar with the terminal parking’s previous exit route should be aware that the traffic pattern has changed. New wayfinding signage is posted throughout the garage and surface parking lots directing vehicles to exit south, towards the terminal, rather than north as they were previously accustomed.

Vehicles exiting the plaza will now merge onto the lower roadway to be looped back towards Vista Avenue. Drivers should be aware of vehicles exiting the parking facilities and merging onto the Airport Loop. Please use caution and adhere to the posted speed limit.

The completion of the exit plaza marks the steady progress being made on the airport’s multi-year capital improvement plan, BOI Upgrade. The first major part of that plan, the new public parking garage, is on-track for completion in the Fall of 2023, with the employee parking garage following in early 2024.

The BOI Upgrade project is being funded with a mix of general airport revenue bonds, passenger facility charges, customer facility charges, and general airport revenue – no local taxpayer dollars are used to fund construction. $56.2M in bond proceeds from the issuance of general airport revenue bonds is being used to fund construction of the public parking and employee parking garages.

Additional BOI Upgrade projects yet to begin construction include a new rental car garage and service lobby and a new concourse which will initially feature six gates.
