A Little Does A Lot
Your spare change could make a huge impact on the Treasure Valley. The Boise Airport has set up three change collection stations in the security checkpoint that allows passengers to donate spare change to three local nonprofit organizations. The airport plans to keep the selected non-profits in place for a least a year. At that point, the program will be evaluated.
The Neighbors In Need Grant Program supports non-profit partners in providing services and programs to persons who are experiencing homelessness or are very low- to moderate- income Boise residents.
Friends of the Boise Public Library is a nonprofit citizens' group that believes in the importance of books and libraries for people of every age. Friends support the growth of library service in Boise, and encourage the use of the library as a community learning, recreation, and information center.
Friends of Zoo Boise is a nonprofit organization that supports Zoo Boise in the areas of animal acquisition, capital improvement projects, education programs, volunteer opportunities, and special events.