Recreational and Commercial Flights
For those interested in operating a UAS or drone within 5 miles of the Boise Airport for any use, including recreational or commercial, operators must seek airspace authorization through the Federal Aviation Administration's Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC). Learn more about airspace authorization at the FAA's DroneZone website:
Some operations may require further review and should be requested well in advance of the proposed operation date. In addition, flights over some areas may be prohibited by state and local ordinances, rules and regulations; operators must ensure they comply with local restrictions.
Boise Parks & Recreation requests that no UAS (drone) operations are allowed within Julia Davis Park due to Zoo Boise's proximity. If an operator is found flying within Julia Davis Park, the Boise Police will be called and citations may be issued. Please contact Boise Parks & Recreation prior to flying in any city park, 208-608-7600
The BLM, Boise City Fire, NIFC, and USFS have asked us to remind all UAS operators to remain clear of all active fires, as firefighting aircraft are flying low to the ground. One UAS in or around a fire (within a 5-mile radius from the outside edge of the fire) WILL ground the fleet in the area out of safety concerns, reducing the effectiveness of firefighting activities.
Operators flying near the Idaho State Capitol building need to contact the Division of Security Operations prior to flying at 208-332-1960.
For additional information on FAA Regulations and UAS Operations, please visit these websites: