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BOI Boise Airport Reaches Agreements With Uber and Lyft


Oct 16, 2020

Contact: Jennifer Kronberg
Communication and Marketing Manager

Boise Airport Reaches Agreements With Uber and Lyft

With the goal of improving the passenger experience, the Boise Airport has reached agreements with rideshare companies Uber and Lyft. The agreement streamlines rideshare operations at the Boise Airport by designating pick-up and drop-off locations on the airport’s upper curb.

Uber and Lyft now have dedicated pick-up locations on the east end of the upper curb. Rideshare wayfinding signage has been placed throughout the terminal that directs passengers to the second level rotunda exit doors, where individuals can find the designated pick-up location on the curb to the right.

Those utilizing Uber and Lyft to get to the Boise Airport may be dropped off anywhere on the upper curb.

“Ridesharing has become increasingly popular, and based upon feedback from our passengers, this is something that has been desired,” said Boise Airport Director Rebecca Hupp. “The airport wanted to pick a location that was close to the terminal, but also allowed the airport to better utilize its curb space to reduce congestion. By moving all rideshare operations to the upper curb, it will reduce the traffic on the lower roadway for those picking up or dropping off family and friends.”

Passengers are encouraged to wait to request their ride until they claim their luggage at baggage claim or until they arrive at the designated pick-up location in order to alleviate vehicle wait times on the curb.

The agreement also designates a queuing location outside of the airport loop, where rideshare drivers can wait until a ride is requested. This will eliminate rideshare vehicles circling the airport loop or utilizing public spaces to wait for a ride. The agreement also charges Lyft and Uber $1.50 per pick-up and drop-off. Those funds will help offset airport operation and maintenance projects such as the installation of wayfinding signage and curbside shelters along with general airport loop and parking facility maintenance.