FAA and Airport Operations
In January of 2008, Boise Airport broke ground on a new Federal Aviation Air Traffic Control Tower. Construction was completed in 2010 and full activation of the new facility took place in September/October 2013. The tower houses both TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control) and STARS (Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System). The new tower is instrumental in accommodating future growth and spurring additional economic growth in the region.
The Boise Airport has two parallel runways, 10R/28L and 10L/28R. The primary instrument runway, Runway 10R/28L is 9,763 feet long and 150-feet wide. The runway has a Category III Instrument Landing System with minimums to 300 feet visual range. This gives the Boise Airport one of the safest and most efficient landing systems in the nation, not just for an airport its size.
Runway 10L/28R is 10,000 feet long and 150 feet wide.
The assault strip (third runway) is 90' x 5000'. It was constructed in 1999 using Department of Defense funding for C-130 training. Currently, its use is restricted to military aircraft for training exercises.